
01 | Data-based Flood Model for European Cities
This project involved a data-based exploration of flood characteristics (seasonality and peak discharges) across Europe. Statistical models were developed to predict the 2-year return period flood in ungauged European catchments. The developed models were designed to respond to climatic inputs (rainfall and temperature), thus making them sensitive to climate change.
Project Skillset: Research, Statistical Analysis (Minitab), Data Management (Excel), Geospatial Analysis (ArcGIS)

02 | Sanitary Facilities for Rural Malaysia
This project (executed in a team) involved the design of appropriate sanitary facilities for a rural village in northern Borneo. My role on the team involved identifying suitable sites for the facilties and producing the detailed design of our adopted facilities. To identify suitable sites, I reconstructed a section of the settlement using photographs of similar settlements in the Borneo region.
Project Skillset: Research, Detailed drawing (AutoCAD), Team work, Georeferencing (Google Earth)

03 | Site Development
This project involved proposing a plan for new development on a site in Newcastle on land which is currently the Nuns Moor. All propositions are justified by multicriteria analysis with data culled from various sources including the UK Ordnance survey, DEFRA, Environment Agency, Office of National Statistics etc.
Project Skillset: Research, Multicriteria Analysis (ArcGIS), Geospatial Analysis (ArcGIS), Hydrological Modelling (ArcGIS), Engineering Drawing (AutoCAD)

04 | Flood Modelling and Forecasting
This project was carried out on two sites. First, a hydrologic estimation of the peak floods expected from the 100-year rainfall event on the Wansbeck catchment, and a hydraulic model representation of the impacts on a downstream town (Morpeth). Second, a hydrologic model to predict the 100 year peak flood on the Brue River, using FEH single site and regional flood frequency analysis.
Project Skillset: Research, Hydraulic Modelling (Noah 1D), Hydrologic Modelling (UK FEH ReFH and WINFAP), Surveys (Google Earth)

05 | Climate Change Risk Assessment
This project investigated the flood risk due to climate change facing critical infrastructure in two contrasting cities (Dhaka and Brisbane). This investigation involved assessments of the vulnerability, exposure and hazard probabilities in both cites, and applied a multi-criteria method to identify areas of highest risk within these cities. Outcomes of the assessments provided evidence to support the adaptation measures proposed for the city facing the most flood risk (Dhaka).
Project Skillset: Research, Vulnerability Analysis (Excel), Exposure Assessment (ArcGIS), Multi-Criteria Analysis (ArcGIS)